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Theory of Personality: Teacher vs Student

There’s plenty of discussion on personality types surrounding academia and general life discussions.  I had the opportunity to engage in such a conversation one night recently.  While it was alcohol fueled, the content was still there.  This was a conversation/debate between a man and woman discussing people being Tops or Bottoms. For those unaware, this is referring to level of passiveness and control, specifically applied to sex. I was mildly involved in the conversation, mostly observing their behavior and listening to their arguments.  They were having a debate on applying the nature of a top or bottom to sex. The specific topic was, can someone who wants to be spontaneously taken advantage of actually fulfill their desire if they ever mention it to their partner?  That argument aside, I noticed something about the way the conversation was going, specifically about the two involved.  Each of them were trying to represent a different side of the debate, while claiming entire knowledge of the subject.  Both acted like experts of Top vs Bottoms and were trying to claim the other didn’t have as full an understanding of it all. Through my involvement in the debate, I realized they were both acting like teachers, and I was acting like a student.  While they were trying to assert themselves into the conversation, I was listening to their points, asking questions, making my own hypotheses, and putting my conclusions back to them for review.  Their behavior was an evaluation of what I said, whereas mine was a consideration of what they said.  At the end of the conversation, one of the debaters turned to me and quietly said “Everyone’s a switch” meaning they have times they are a Top and times they are a Bottom.  This single statement contradicted the majority of his argument, yet he said it with the same matter of fact truthfulness as everything else.

This made me realize the behavior difference between a Teacher and a Student.  A Teacher is someone who believes they have absolute knowledge, or at least greater than their peers, and it is their job to enlighten the others as to the topic.  A Student on the other hand is interested in a subject to the point they want to learn about it.  A Student may have questions, or make statements they believe to be true on the subject, but with the intent of sparking a debate for further knowledge, not to correct the knowledge of others.

This is all I can say for now, I may come back to update and further my thoughts on the subject.

Though with this I am glad to say that I am a Student.