Theory of Personality: Teacher vs Student

There’s plenty of discussion on personality types surrounding academia and general life discussions.  I had the opportunity to engage in such a conversation one night recently.  While it was alcohol fueled, the content was still there.  This was a conversation/debate between a man and woman discussing people being Tops or Bottoms. For those unaware, this is referring to level of passiveness and control, specifically applied to sex. I was mildly involved in the conversation, mostly observing their behavior and listening to their arguments.  They were having a debate on applying the nature of a top or bottom to sex. The specific topic was, can someone who wants to be spontaneously taken advantage of actually fulfill their desire if they ever mention it to their partner?  That argument aside, I noticed something about the way the conversation was going, specifically about the two involved.  Each of them were trying to represent a different side of the debate, while claiming entire knowledge of the subject.  Both acted like experts of Top vs Bottoms and were trying to claim the other didn’t have as full an understanding of it all. Through my involvement in the debate, I realized they were both acting like teachers, and I was acting like a student.  While they were trying to assert themselves into the conversation, I was listening to their points, asking questions, making my own hypotheses, and putting my conclusions back to them for review.  Their behavior was an evaluation of what I said, whereas mine was a consideration of what they said.  At the end of the conversation, one of the debaters turned to me and quietly said “Everyone’s a switch” meaning they have times they are a Top and times they are a Bottom.  This single statement contradicted the majority of his argument, yet he said it with the same matter of fact truthfulness as everything else.

This made me realize the behavior difference between a Teacher and a Student.  A Teacher is someone who believes they have absolute knowledge, or at least greater than their peers, and it is their job to enlighten the others as to the topic.  A Student on the other hand is interested in a subject to the point they want to learn about it.  A Student may have questions, or make statements they believe to be true on the subject, but with the intent of sparking a debate for further knowledge, not to correct the knowledge of others.

This is all I can say for now, I may come back to update and further my thoughts on the subject.

Though with this I am glad to say that I am a Student.

I Love it When a Remake Comes Together, an A-Team Review

Let’s get all of the stuff you want to hear out of the way right in the beginning.

Yes it was awesome.

Yes I recommend that you go see it.

And, yes Murdock is as crazy as you want him to be.

The new A-Team film is an attempt at remaking a franchise that a lot of people would say didn’t need remaking.  In my opinion I think the filmmakers behind it’s creation (including one of the original co-creators of the series Steve Cannell) did more than remake the series, they gave it a rebirth.  As a fan of the original series there is a ton of nitpicking I could do, B.A. is lacking a lot of crazy bling, “the jazz” is never mentioned, and a good amount of people are killed.  We’re not talking Rambo numbers but as they pretty much killed no one in the original series it was surely noticed.  You certainly do not want to go in to this movie expecting a really long episode of the TV show.  It ended up more like the old show modernized , but not in a cheesy awful way, in a way that still felt like what the show would be like on TV today.

This modernization does a great job at bringing you on one hell of a thrill ride from start to finish, which is littered with cursing, explosions, and plans coming together from start to finish.  Not to spoil anything, but when a certain twist comes into the mix the film begins to get into that phase where everything after that moment is completely awesome.  You will be literally putting all bodily functions on hold as the action intensifies and your eyes are struggling to sort it all out as scenes that border on the ridiculous play in front of your eyes.

Once the story reaches the conclusion, you might have an “oh….OHH” reaction that only ends in the exact way you wanted it to.  Overall the film does what some revamps couldn’t (I’m looking at you Miami Vice) which is take an older series and bring it into this new world with success, but still respect the original source material.  If you like the A-Team, buddy action films, or just need to see some explosions The A-Team satisfies all of those audiences and then some.

I give the A-Team film 10 Plans coming together out of 10

Well then…

Sorry about the lack of updates… I just got home from school and have everything settled finally. In the upcoming weeks you can expect to see a lot of iPod/iPhone/iPad dev tips from me along with some developer tricks, as I’ll be starting my job up again.

But before that begins, I’ve started my diet and exercise plan. I’m hoping to lose 55 pounds before the end of August. In case any of you are interested, it’s a slow-carb diet. Breakfast consists of egg whites and beans of any kind, lunch is usually a huge salad with either chicken or tuna (hold the mayo), and for dinner some other sort of protein– be it chicken, pork, or fish. I’m combining this with a high-intensity cardio session, which is usually about an hour in length, 4-5 times a week. Add in some weight training here and there, making sure to consume plenty of fluids. My girlfriend and I are both in on this, trying to look and feel as healthy as possible. Since I’ve started this last week, I’m down 10 pounds, with only 45 more to go– looks promising so far! I might also post up some healthy recipes if I happen to conjure some up one of these nights.

And to whom it may concern: my sister might also be starting up her own online cookie/baking/dessert business– so all of you into that kind of thing: she may be taking orders soon, and a website may be in the works for her 😉 keep an eye out for that, and I’ll be in touch with you all soon!

Stats posting in

Feeling a bit hungry, a little bit frugal, and most definitely lazy I began wandering the supermarket like a museum looking for something delicious to eat for dinner.  I stumbled into the frozen goods section and discovered Birds Eye Voila!

For four dollars, ten minutes of my time, and part of my lunch tomorrow it was a fantastic choice.  easy to make tasted good and more then enough for one meal.

Note: i chose to cook it on the stove instead of the other method of microwaving


Hey Web!  Asher Simonds here. I was just invited by these fine gentlemen to contribute to this humble blog.  If you haven’t already seen my posts on TotalSmartphone or my own personal blog, then you’ll be glad to know my pieces are usually informative and interesting.  I tend to dabble in mobile technology trends, such as the Android platform, social media, business, and a little graphic design here and there.  Expect some photography from time to time as well.  Hope you all enjoy the show here at thread.sleep()!

Setting Up The Vocoder Synth in Logic Pro 9

Here’s a little tutorial on how to set up the vocoder synth in Logic Pro 9. This is something that I’ve wanted to do for a while, and had a bit of trouble getting to work in the past. This little tip should also work for Logic Pro 8, and Logic Express if I’m not mistaken.
Continue reading…

Humble Beginnings

Hey there internet!  Well here we are.  We’re going to get really close in the coming months.  Starting this blog and all.  thread.sleep() is nothing new.  A blog about everything: movies, music, vidyas, technology, cars and everything else we think is pretty cool.  For now there’s just Andy and me but, eventually there will be plenty more bloggers continuously adding content and talking about cool stuff.  I’m Lino pro writer extraordinaire I write a whole lot.  Basically using this as an excuse to write more.  I’ll probably be talking about mostly everything and doing some editing and stuff.  Hopefully everyone comes and reads this.  I promise some good content, good times, and eventually maybe even a podcast.  Who knows, until then read on!

In the beginning…

Hey everyone!

This is going to be the home of thread.sleep(), a new blog focused on just about everything we like. That includes audio, automotive, tech, and video games. Be prepared!

-the thread.sleep() crew